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COBI Sustainability

Boosting your sustainability transformation in consumer goods industry operations

COBI Sustainability

Boosting your sustainability transformation in consumer goods industry operations

What it is

COBI Sustainability is a proven methodology to create rapid baselining & benchmarking and opportunity assessment being applied to sustainability in operations. Improvement opportunities for GHG emission, waste & packaging and water consumption across scope 1~3 are identified through peer to peer benchmarking at a product and process level. COBI Sustainability is based on proven COBI methodology and its key characteristics that has been applied in over 400 supply chains and 700 plants across 13 CPG categories.

Apple-to-apple comparison

High granularity of KPI

Full confidentiality

Transformation/ continuous improvement support

Rapid process

Efficient data collection

COBI Sustainability provides benchmarking along 3 dimensions

How it works


Production steps and technologies map

Evaluate the financial and customer-facing profiles of participants

Review all product types and packaging variants​ produced in the network

Map production steps​ within each plant to standardized value chain


Granular data

Collect detailed data​ using strictly standard definitions and common approach

Approach allows for central data collection with deep-dives that are easy to scale


Structural drivers for cost differences

Define drivers for cost differences​ across the whole sample of plants

  • Additional or missing production steps
  • Product mix
  • Packaging formats
  • Filling lines technologies
  • Batch size
  • SKU complexity, etc.


State-of-the-art normalization

Identify most common variant​ and set as a standard production unit for all plants

Calculate normalization factor​ to account for all structural differences

Convert volumes​ of all plants to standard production units

Apply other complex correlation-based normalization

Highlight other structural drivers​ that explain complexity of the plants


Benchmarking and opportunity estimation

Benchmark true performance, set well-founded aspirations and define​ action plan

Establish a​ regular internal benchmarking and best practices sharing

What the output looks like

COBI Sustainability benchmarking is conducted on 3 levels

Rapid baselining and benchmarking

Rapid baseline and benchmarks at a company and product level across 3 key sustainability dimensions: GHG emissions, water & packaging

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Opportunity assessment

Identifying biggest opportunity for Sustainability improvement

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Operational deep dives

Deep dive on an operational step, eg, downstream distribution to identify key drivers within

Click thumbnail to expand

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