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Get personalized dashboards tailored to your employees

Get a nuanced understanding of own performance, engagement, and experience vs aggregated team scores. Get visibility into short term and long term trends across critical KPIs. View all badges, milestones and achievement

Accelerate employee learning through personalized learning recommendations

Get personalized insights, best practices and recommendations on learning resources to support individual learning journeys. View personal progress across focus areas and additional resources

Improve employee productivity through AI-generated performance improvement nudges

AI automates performance analysis to identify critical areas to improve productivity. Creates nudges based on these to provide bespoke guidance for employee to reach maximum productivity

At-a-glance view of individual performance

to enable each employee to have a clear picture of how they perform against key KPIs

360 degree view on performance and learning

based on historical performance, learning history, and coaching engagement

AI-powered personalized coaching, nudges & learning journeys

focused on employees and manager learning and development needs

Intuitive & engaging interface

with gamification features to ensure maximum use & effectiveness of recommendations

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