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Alive 2.0

A consumer insights tool that estimates feature priority and willingness to pay in a matter of days as opposed to weeks

Alive 2.0

A consumer insights tool that estimates feature priority and willingness to pay in a matter of days as opposed to weeks

What it is

Alive 2.0 is a MaxDiff-based consumer insight tool that helps with:

Prioritization of features and measurement of feature value

Evaluation of consumer willingness to pay​ for features

Product and feature design based on real consumer insights

Here is a demo

How it works

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1. Feature rationalization

Cumulative feature value buildup to identify long-tail features that have marginal to no value, as perceived by the consumer

Identified features are taken up for rationalization

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2. Optimization of cost vs. value proposition

Identification of features where the incremental value delivered is not commensurate with incremental cost

Implementation of targeted interventions such as Cleansheet costing and design specification optimization

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3. Feature profitability analysis

Review of feature-level profitability to maximize value delivery at optimal cost

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4. Feature cost & value target setting

Target value set for each feature, especially ones that drive cost, and target costing carried out

Product-level and feature-level cost target distribution into bill of materials to drive value enhancement

What the output looks like

What makes Alive 2.0 unique

Alive 2.0 reduces the risk of “everything is important.”

The trade-off model avoids the tendency to rate everything as very important.

It asks respondents more realistic choices

Attribute ranking is not asked directly, but as a series of choices among 3–5 attributes, and importance scores are derived from these choices.

It’s easy to understand and free of scale bias

The choice tasks are easy to answer for most respondents.

Alive 2.0 brings typical impact of


time savings

Low cost

of deployment


of deployment

Here is a client example

Feature prioritization deployed through Alive 2.0 for an infant formula product

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Feature prioritization deployed through Alive 2.0 for an Automotive client

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