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Always On – Supply Chain

A solution that delivers end-to-end transparency covering both past execution and forward-looking metrics across the entire supply chain

Always On - Supply Chain

Deliver end to end transparency covering both past execution and forward looking metrics across the entire supply chain

What it is

AlwaysOn—Supply Chain brings the full range of advanced analytics to take supply chains to the next level, with a complete set of supply chain topics and functions

It covers the entire value stream, from suppliers to manufacturing sites to distribution centers

It provides a holistic view on current and projected service levels, inventories, supply chain costs, and capability KPIs

It automatically aggregates SKU-level performance​ to management-level KPIs

How it works

AlwaysOn—Supply Chain connects live to data systems and can be accessed through a web browser

What the output looks like

Demand review

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Backward looking (forecast accuracy)

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Forward looking

Supply review and Demand-Supply balance

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Backward looking: Production performance to plan (summary)

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Backward looking: Production performance to plan (root-cause trend)

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Forward looking: Projected shortages or excesses (by planner)

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Forward looking: Short-term balancing opportunities to address service issues

Inventory health

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Inventory history and projections: Totals (over/under)

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Inventory projections (over/under): Pareto

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Demand–supply balance details by SKU

Customer service and initial driver analysis

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Customer service trends and heat map

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Customer service loss-driver analysis

Here are some client examples

Control tower implementation leveraging AlwaysOn—Supply Chain delivered service-level improvement of 18 percentage points and inventory safety stock recovery of 10%

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