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Elevating the performance of value chains using the Probabilistic Theory of Constraints (defining a small number of constraint)


Elevating the performance of value chains using probabilistic Theory of Constraints

ThroughputX is a three-step analytical solution that helps analyze and manage variability in value chains.

Operators and manufacturers in the heavy industry usually leverage lean principles and the Theory of Constraints to optimize value chains, remove bottlenecks, manage capacities and reduce inventory. However, this approach is not suited to nonlinear systems with complex interdependencies and high variability.

In some industries, the approach does not consider real-world variability from changing parameters (e.g., geology, source grade, weather conditions, equipment availability, human behavior). As a result, operators often miss their production targets leading to underutilized equipment and machinery because of feed starvation.

Analytics can help better manage operations and reach the full potential of value chains.

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ThroughputX helps manage operations better to unlock the full potential of value chains in non-linear systems with complex interdependencies and high variability.

ThroughputX has delivered


uplift of average throughput


reduction in production variability


reduction in specific unit cost


achievement of production plan

Our approach

ThroughputX improves the performance of complex value chains prone to variability in 3 steps:

1. Analyze the system performance with a digital twin

Build a digital twin​ of the integrated value chain using advanced analytics and dynamic simulation​ modeling to replicate the behavior of different system elements (e.g., trains, silos, shovels, trucks, crushers) and understand how variability impacts the value chain.

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The digital twin represents actual system behaviour with 95–98% accuracy

2. Optimize the value chain

Deploy a probabilistic Theory of Constraints methodology​ to develop and test various configurations in the digital twin and define the optimal buffer levels and process improvements to build resilience.

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Optimized scenarios are tested in multiple simulation runs to get to the optimal configuration against a set target

3. Develop a management system

Develop variability management plans​ which describe actions to take when buffer levels fall outside the predefined limits​ or when unexpected process interruptions occur.

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Action plans for operators are developed to manage system back into a self regulating equilibrium

What the product looks like

Running different production scenarios, creating transparency on the system behavior and helping to understand the performance of the system against a plan (e.g., future production plans).

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Creating insights that enable quantifying the impact of changes to different value chain elements on overall system performance.

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Managing buffers and processes within healthy limits through variability management plans.

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Delivering impact globally

ThroughputX has been deployed in 20+ client cases​ globally, including 9 underground mines, 7 open-pit mines​, chemicals operations, automotive industry, and rail networks.

Testimonials from clients

“This tool would have made my life easier during my mine planning days.”

“We can use this tool to build business case, which was difficult previously.”

Examples of our work

ThroughputX helped client to understand impact of different dispatch strategy on downstream processes

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ThroughputX optimized the transshipment capacity and schedule for an operation with limited data availability

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An underground mine with multiple
mining methods used ThroughputX to identify an  opportunity to increase throughput by ~25%.

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A rail operator leveraged ThroughputX to determine the likelihood of meeting targets and identify bottlenecks in the system so they could proactively make decisions and achieve target levels.

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A mining company improved recovery by 0.15%-0.3% and throughput by 2% by stabilizing mill feed using ThroughputX.

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